Our Blog

Timely briefs on topics specific to the industries BITCO serves. Subjects include worker safety, worksite hazards, best practices, new research, industry updates, regulations, public liability, property protection and more.

Wildlife in the Roadway

| May 23, 2023

Avoid Collisions with Deer

In the United States alone, there are approximately 36 million deer. Each year many drivers and their passengers are injured or killed in collisions involving deer. While many wild animals cross roadways, deer present the most frequent hazard.

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Harnesses & Fall Arrest Devices in the Oil and Gas Industry

| April 26, 2023

Proper Cleaning and Inspections Can Prevent Falls from Elevated Surfaces

Fall prevention is a critical safety concern in the oil and gas industry. Workers are often required to work at heights, making them vulnerable to falls. Harnesses are worn around the body and attached to a lanyard that is secured to a fixed anchor point. This ensures the worker is safely secured and protected from falls while working at heights in the oil and gas industry.

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Common Log Truck Driver Injuries

| April 11, 2023

What Drivers Can Do to Prevent Injuries

Injuries to log truck drivers affect not only drivers and their families, but also their employer. Continue reading to learn about a few of the most common ways drivers are injured and how to prevent these injuries from occurring.

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High-Pressure Washer Safety

| March 28, 2023

The Dangers of Pressure Washing and How to Stay Safe

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2014, an estimated 6,057 people went to the emergency room with injuries related to pressure washer use, and 14% of those ER visits led to additional hospitalization. High-pressure washer injuries are not to be underestimated.

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Pressurized Water Systems for Tigercat Skidders

| March 21, 2023

7 Corrective Actions to Prevent the Access Door from Becoming Damaged or Locked Up

The Pressurized Water System for Tigercat Skidders is in the blade. Due to the harsh environment, the access door can become damaged or cause the bolt holding the access door closed, to seize up - making it impossible to open it by hand when needed. To prevent this from happening, continue reading to learn the corrective actions to take.

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Driving Tips for Log Truck Drivers

| February 28, 2023

How to Tackle Tail Swing Radius, Turns, Curves, Backing, Stopping, Parking, Night Operation, and More

Log truck drivers are an integral part of the transportation industry. As such, it is important to ensure their safety on the roads. To encourage safe driving practices, we have compiled a list to help log truck drivers tackle different situations they may face while on the road.

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