Our Blog

Timely briefs on topics specific to the industries BITCO serves. Subjects include worker safety, worksite hazards, best practices, new research, industry updates, regulations, public liability, property protection and more.

Utility Trailer Inspection and Hitching

| July 25, 2023

Our Best Practices to Use for Equipment Inspections Prior to Road Travel

Small job trailers are essential in the construction industry as they transport all the necessary tools to the jobsite. Continue reading to learn our best practices to ensure your equipment is safe for travel.

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Preventing Shoulder Injuries in the Logging Industry

| July 18, 2023

Safely Secure Your Load

Shoulder injuries can cost a significant amount of money. In the logging industry, shoulder injuries are often due to the method workers use to secure their loads. Here are a couple of options for you to consider to reduce shoulder injuries.

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Hurricane Preparedness for Your Business

| June 27, 2023

Seven Safety Precautions to Protect Your Employees and Your Company

Is your business prepared if a hurricane hits? Hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30. Hurricanes can cause extensive damage to infrastructure, disrupt business, lead to a detrimental loss of revenue, and put human lives at risk. By being proactive, you can reduce the chance of injuries to employees, protect physical assets, and ensure business continuity.

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Fall Protection in the Construction Industry

| June 20, 2023

Fundamental Safety Recommendations to Reduce Workers' Exposures to Falls

In the construction industry, falls from elevated surfaces are preventable and can be a serious and costly employee incident. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021:

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Distracted Driving - Electronic Devices

| May 30, 2023

Are You Focused on the Road?

Distracted driving from electronics refers to the use of electronic devices while operating a vehicle, such as texting, browsing the internet, or adjusting music playlists. It is a dangerous behavior that can lead to incidents, injuries, and even fatalities. The National Safety Council reports that 96% of people think texting while driving is dangerous, yet 44% still do. It is important to prioritize safety while driving and avoid any distractions that may cause harm to yourself or others on the road.

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Wildlife in the Roadway

| May 23, 2023

Avoid Collisions with Deer

In the United States alone, there are approximately 36 million deer. Each year many drivers and their passengers are injured or killed in collisions involving deer. While many wild animals cross roadways, deer present the most frequent hazard.

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