Our Blog

Timely briefs on topics specific to the industries BITCO serves. Subjects include worker safety, worksite hazards, best practices, new research, industry updates, regulations, public liability, property protection and more.

Pressurized Water Systems for Tigercat Skidders

| March 21, 2023

7 Corrective Actions to Prevent the Access Door from Becoming Damaged or Locked Up

The Pressurized Water System for Tigercat Skidders is in the blade. Due to the harsh environment, the access door can become damaged or cause the bolt holding the access door closed, to seize up - making it impossible to open it by hand when needed. To prevent this from happening, continue reading to learn the corrective actions to take.

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Driving Tips for Log Truck Drivers

| February 28, 2023

How to Tackle Tail Swing Radius, Turns, Curves, Backing, Stopping, Parking, Night Operation, and More

Log truck drivers are an integral part of the transportation industry. As such, it is important to ensure their safety on the roads. To encourage safe driving practices, we have compiled a list to help log truck drivers tackle different situations they may face while on the road.

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Prevent Back Injuries at Work

| February 21, 2023

Avoid Sprains and Strains by Using Proper Lifting Techniques

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016, 38.5% of work-related musculoskeletal disorders resulting in days away from work across all occupations were back-related. One of the leading causes of back injuries in the workplace is lifting or carrying heavy objects. The good news is that back injuries are preventable when using the correct lifting techniques.

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Designated Safe Zones at Logging Operations

| January 31, 2023

Safety Recommendations for Truck Drivers, Employees, and Contractors on the Loading Dock

Loading and unloading logs are dangerous practices, and the potential for injury or death should never be underestimated. It is essential that those involved in the process are aware of the risks and take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. All drivers, employees, ground workers, and contractors should be adequately trained in the proper procedures and safety protocols to minimize the likelihood of an incident occurring. The cost of an incident can be exorbitant, and it is in everyone's best interest to ensure the safety of all involved.

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Shoveling Safety

| January 26, 2023

What You Need to Know to Stay Safe this Winter

Winter has arrived, and snow shovels are coming out of the garage – but don't forget safety first! Each year in the United States, hundreds of people die, and thousands are injured due to snow shoveling. The National Safety Council reports that individuals over the age of 40 and those who are inactive, should take extra caution when shoveling. Here is what you need to know to stay safe and be more efficient this winter.

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Insulate Yourself from the Cold

| December 27, 2022

Personal Protective Equipment for Outdoor Workers in Winter

Winter is officially here. Regardless of the inhospitable conditions that this season can bring, outdoor work still must be done. Employers are responsible to ensure all workers are prepared and protected to safely work outdoors.

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