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Timely briefs on topics specific to the industries BITCO serves. Subjects include worker safety, worksite hazards, best practices, new research, industry updates, regulations, public liability, property protection and more.

Nathan Arnold, Sr. Risk Control Consultant

Recent Posts

Mastering Left Turns: A Guide for Large Vehicles and Trailers

| September 17, 2024

Key Safety Guidelines to Stay Safe

In recent months, there have been several incidents involving trucks making left turns across four-lane intersections. These incidents frequently occur when trucks with trailers try to navigate turn lanes or medians too small to accommodate their length, causing the trailer or load to extend into oncoming traffic lanes. To prevent these incidents, continue reading to learn more about the risks, how to plan your route, and key safety guidelines.

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Forestry Skidder Safety

| August 27, 2024

Real-Life Lesson: Learning from a Skidder Safety Incident

In a recent pine-thinning operation, a grapple skidder approached the loading deck while a deckman was topping trees nearby. Due to the tight space, the skidder needed to make a sharp turn. Regrettably, during this maneuver, the skidder backed up onto a tree within the deck, leading to the worker being struck while topping the tree. This is a stark reminder of the critical need to always be mindful of ground personnel.

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Forestry Equipment Transport Dangers

| December 26, 2023

The Importance of Adequate Planning and Preparation

Transporting forestry equipment can be an extremely dangerous task, and it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved in moving large, heavy machinery. Adequate planning and preparation are essential to ensure that the transportation process goes smoothly and without any accidents or damage to the equipment.

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