Our Blog

Timely briefs on topics specific to the industries BITCO serves. Subjects include worker safety, worksite hazards, best practices, new research, industry updates, regulations, public liability, property protection and more.

Seat Belt Usage For Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers

| December 15, 2020

The Importance of Buckling Up   

In 2006, 703 drivers of large trucks died in truck crashes and 314 of those drivers were not wearing a seat belt, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. In the event of a sudden stop or crash, a seat belt is the most important in-cab safety device to protect commercial motor vehicle drivers.  

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Using Safety Incentives for Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers

| November 24, 2020

Keeping Drivers Safe on the Road

How are you promoting safe driving within your organization? Changing behavior requires creativity and constant reinforcement. Consider fleet safety incentives to help reduce accidents, encourage employee safety, and improve your bottom line. If your organization is considering implementing a safety incentive program, here are suggestions to consider.

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Sudden Uncontrolled Pressure Release

| November 12, 2020

Precautions for Employers in the Oil and Gas Industry 

Between 2016 and 2018, there were 15 fatalities and 54 hospitalizations from uncontrolled pressure release in the Oil and Gas Industry. NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program suggests that developing and following hazardous energy control procedures could prevent worker injuries and fatalities.

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Distracted Driving Awareness Month

| October 20, 2020

How Can You Prevent Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving can be deadly. In fact, according to the National Safety Council, 3,142 people in the U.S. died in distraction-related crashes in 2020 alone – that’s at least eight people every day. It is important to be aware of the different types of distractions and how you can do your part to make the roads safer.

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Protecting Construction Workers During the Pandemic

| October 6, 2020

The last line of defense for safety: personal protective equipment

As the nation and even the world continue to deal with the health and economic fallout from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction sector continues its essential work. From earthmoving to electrical and plumbing, the work doesn’t stop. That’s why it’s critical for employers to take the necessary steps to keep their employees safe at job sites.

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Bee, Wasp, and Hornet Awareness

| September 22, 2020

Protect Yourself From Stings

Many have experienced a bee, wasp, or hornet (which is actually a type of wasp) sting. For most, this may cause discomfort, but for those that have a severe allergic reaction, stings can be deadly. According to NIOSH, thousands are stung by insects each year, and as many as 100 may die as a result. Any employee working outdoors should be especially cautious of the hazard of these insects.

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